Friday, April 6, 2007

A Week of Firsts...

So classes started this week... and it's the first time I've been in class in about nine months. And trust me, it takes a while getting re-acclamated after that extent of time. In fact, it took me around an hour-and-a-half just to write a page in response to some reading. Sometime along my coop I somehow forgot the use of topic sentences, how to use a paragraph, and what exactly commas are used for, <- that would be a comma splice apparently.

Yet regardless, classes are going superbly. Once again I somehow have the rather eccentric professors. And by eccentric I actually mean a little crazy. And I love it! It definitely makes class interesting, and surprisingly fun to attend; even in dull subjects like business law.

Since this is a week of firsts, I guess I should mention that I moved into a new apartment. I moved in Sunday of this week... so in a couple days it will be one full week that I've been here. I absolutely adore my new place: it's so much larger that my old one, in a quieter neighborhood, and closer to campus than the old one. By far my most favorite attraction here would be my new deck on the second floor... I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can actually put it to use.

And that's a good point. What happened to the short and t-shirt weather?!?! I'm probably a bit peeved only because I already packed my heavy coats... hypothermia here I come! Hooray!

1 comment:

Srav said...

Lol trust me you didn't miss much. They kept us in holding for HOURS. And then it started to rain and when we asked why we couldn't go home, they insisted that they might need us when the rain would stop.

It never did.

P.S. How'd you get other people's links on your blog? Help!